Wednesday, 21 May 2008

Secrets to Betta Fish Care

The betta fish, most commonly known as the Siamese Fighting Fish, is a very popular tropical fish because of its brilliant colors plus betta fish care is relatively easy especially for newcomers to tropical fish hobby. In the Wild bettas live in the rice fields and rivers of southeast Asia, so they are actually a pretty hardy tropical fish but the betta fish can also be finicky.

Betta fish care does entail some special considerations that are unique to betta fish especially in regards to the males in order to keep him/her happy and healthy.

With that said here's a sneak peek at some of the secrets to betta fish care as well as where you can go to find more information about betta fish care and get great tips to breeding betas successfully.

* 1. Water Quality. As with all tropical fish this is the number one issue when it comes to keeping healthy fish and is also true with betta fish care. It is important that the PH level of the water be as close to a neutral PH of 7.0 as possible to insure a healthy happy betta fish. As well water temperature is equally important to maintaining healthy betta fish, and they prefer temperatures between 72-80 degrees Fahrenheit.
* 2.Vegetation. Here's a little tip that a lot of people miss in regards to betta fish care. Having some vegetation in the tank for the fish to rest/hide in. Betta fish remember come from southeast Asia and as such are very common the the rivers streams and rice fields of those countries. Having vegetation helps to re-create this habitat and helps to maintain a healthy betta.
* 3.Give them some space. A lot of people think that just because a betta fish doesn't have gills like other tropical fish and breathes air just like people do (yes betta fish have lungs) doesn't mean the fish is happy inside of a cup. Would you be, so give the fish some space you'll be rewarded for your efforts.

There's other tips that are crucial and insightful about betta fish care but these basics should point you in the right direction to maintaining and keeping healthy betta fish.

Betta Fish Care