Friday, 23 May 2008

Betta Fish Care - What You Need To Know

Betta Fish Care.
Betta Fish Secrets is a guide dedicated to Betta Fish lovers everywhere. Betta Fish can be some of the easiest fish to care for if you know what you are doing. Unfortunately for most Betta fish, their owners are clueless on how to take care of them.

For example, did you know that they love to jump out of the water? These fish are some of the most playful fish you will ever see. This can be both good and bad. The good is that they are very entertaining fish when they are in the mood , but the bad, is if you don't take proper care of them, they could commit suicide by jumping out of the water!

Another secret about Bettas is that they can breath both through their gills in the water and through an organ on the top of their heads which allows them to take in oxygen from the surface. Wonder why this is so? Well betas love to eat and one of their favorite meals in the wild was the bugs on the surface of the water. Their upturned mouths allowed for them to easily suck down the unsuspecting mosquito or waterbug.

Did you know that Bettas are easily affected by their environment? This is why it is vitally important to research tank size, and tank accessories prior to purchasing. Getting the wrong tank can spell disaster for your fish.

Betta Fish Secrets reveals to you many secrets surrounding these exotic fish. There is so much information packed into the ebook that taking care of a Betta shouldn't be hard at all.

Betta Fish Care

Wednesday, 21 May 2008

Beta Fish Care - How To Care For Your Beta Fish

Beta Fish, also known as the Siamese fighting fish, are a splendid looking fish that are very popular among pet owners.

They are wonderful fish to have however without the right care your Beta fish wont thrive and can have some real problems.

Beta fish are popular for their bright colors, decorative fins and their active lifestyles. They are amazing fish but you need to keep in mind that Betta fish tend to be very delicate and without proper care they can be prone to diseases such as fin rot.

If you already own a Betta fish or are wanting to get one you will need to know how to care forit so that it lives a long happy life. You don't ever want your Betta fish to develop fin rot and takeaway those beautiful fins they are popular for.

Beta fish care isn't hard when you know how to care for them. Below are 3 tips to help you take the best care of your Beta fish.

1/ Tank size, For your Beta fish to remain healthy and happy it needs to be in a big enough fish tank.With those beautiful long fins they need space where their fins won't get caught and break. Also don't use rocks or other decorations that your fish may get its fins caught on.

2/ Clean Water, although you don't need to have a water pump system you do need to keep the water clean. This can be done by replacing 1/3 of the water every 2-3 days. Also it is best to clean the tank with a turkey baster. This will pick up all the small uneaten food or debris particles from the bottom of the tank.

3/ Don't use soap, when you clean any plants, rocks or decorations you may have in the tank do not use soap. This irritates your beta fish and can lead to problems.

For Betta fish to thrive and have a long happy life you need to know how to take good care of them. The 3 tips above will help you start caring for

your fish properly but theses are just a start. Beta fish are very particular and there is more you will need to know to ensure your fish has the best care.

Beta Fish Care

Breeding Betta Fish Successfully Getting That Prized Full Moon Tailed Betta Doesn't Happen Overnight

Breeding betta fish is something that many people have tried and even more have struggled with. However, learning to breed betas successfully does require that some work. It isn't like breeding guppies at all where you just simply put a few fish in a tank and start making babies. No breeding betta fish successfully requires proper knowledge of betta fish care, and in learning to apply tips that are crucial in order to get that next prizes full moon tailed betta. Here are a 3 quick tips that will help you on your next attempt at breeding betta fish

1.Don't use Store Bought Bettas. I know that this may sound weird because chances are the betta you have was bought at your local tropical fish store but there is a reason behind this tip. For one store bought betta fish are usually the wrong kind of fish. Most of the really beautiful bettas come from qualified breeders and the store bought ones in all likely hood are the wrong kind. The other reason is, store bought fish generally are not in the mood for breeding if you know what I mean. Store bought betas are usually older, less hearty and just not as inclined to have love affairs. So the solution when breeding betta fish buy them from a qualified betta breeder, it might cost you more, but you have a far greater chance of success.

2. Always Buy Breeding Betta Stock in Pairs. This is really an extension of point number one. Once you realize you need to stop using store bought fish in trying to breed betas don't chance out by buying only one. That kind of is self defeating of point number one.

3. Buy More then One Pair. This is the real secret to breeding betta fish. Betta fish are like people when it comes to love. Don't think that just because you thrust two betta fish on a blind date that your going to make the magic happen. It many cases your going to find perhaps the male just doesn't like the female you chose, or the male is interested but she is not in the mood. By buying more then one air of breeding stock you double your chances of making a love connection.

Betta Fish Care

Betta Fish Care

A Betta fish is a beautiful freshwater fish that comes in extraordinary color patterns. It is one of the most inexpensive fish to keep and doesn't need much care at all. You will have a healthy fish if you follow these simple care requirements.

The Betta fish is one of the most well known aquarium fish. It comes in many colors including red, blue, purple, green and white. The males have much brighter colors than females and also have longer fins. Bettas are originally from Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, parts of China and

Vietnam. They are usually found in very shallow waters, such as rice paddies and shallow ponds. Bettas can live to be two or three years old.

Bettas may look like regular fish, but they are actually very different. Unlike most fish, the Betta breathes air by going up to the surface of the water. This makes them very easy to keep because it is not necessary to have any airpump, filtration, or aeration at all in their tank. They do well in small bowls; you won't have to buy a large, expensive aquarium for this fish.

You must be sure not to keep two male Bettas in a tank together because they will fight to the death. Females can be kept together though.

Many people think that Bettas cannot be kept with any other fish but this is not true. Male Bettas and female Bettas can be kept with other peaceful fish species. Just don't put them in with any aggressive fish that may nip their fins.

Bettas must be fed once a day. Be sure you don't overfeed this fish. Don't leave any uneaten food in the bowl. They can be fed freeze dried brine shrimp or freeze dried blood worms. They don't usually like freeze dried worm cubes or flake food though. There are many foods sold at pet stores specifically for Bettas. Any of these will do.

Be sure to clean your fish bowl once a week if you don't have a filter on it. For the water in the tank, start with tap water and add a product that removes chlorine. Follow the directions on the package. Also add one teaspoon of aquarium salt. Make sure any water you add to the bowl is the same temperature as the water in the bowl.

Keep a lid on the bowl because the Betta can jump out if you don't have one on. Just make sure that there are holes in the lid so the fish can get air. It is also good to have a live plant in the fish bowl. Bettas love to rest on plant leaves. They even have a plant called "Betta Bulbs" that you can use. If you put a plant in the bowl, you will need to have gravel. Gravel gets dirty easily so you must be sure to clean it regularly. If the tank gets dirty, your Betta will get sick.

The Betta is a tropical fish, so keep the bowl in a warm spot. They like to be in temperatures around 75 to 80 degrees. Just don't put the bowl in direct sun or in a drafty spot.

If you follow these simple requirements for this fish, it will be healthy and happy. Bettas are absolutely striking fish to watch. You will surely enjoy this fish!

Betta Fish Care

Secrets to Betta Fish Care

The betta fish, most commonly known as the Siamese Fighting Fish, is a very popular tropical fish because of its brilliant colors plus betta fish care is relatively easy especially for newcomers to tropical fish hobby. In the Wild bettas live in the rice fields and rivers of southeast Asia, so they are actually a pretty hardy tropical fish but the betta fish can also be finicky.

Betta fish care does entail some special considerations that are unique to betta fish especially in regards to the males in order to keep him/her happy and healthy.

With that said here's a sneak peek at some of the secrets to betta fish care as well as where you can go to find more information about betta fish care and get great tips to breeding betas successfully.

* 1. Water Quality. As with all tropical fish this is the number one issue when it comes to keeping healthy fish and is also true with betta fish care. It is important that the PH level of the water be as close to a neutral PH of 7.0 as possible to insure a healthy happy betta fish. As well water temperature is equally important to maintaining healthy betta fish, and they prefer temperatures between 72-80 degrees Fahrenheit.
* 2.Vegetation. Here's a little tip that a lot of people miss in regards to betta fish care. Having some vegetation in the tank for the fish to rest/hide in. Betta fish remember come from southeast Asia and as such are very common the the rivers streams and rice fields of those countries. Having vegetation helps to re-create this habitat and helps to maintain a healthy betta.
* 3.Give them some space. A lot of people think that just because a betta fish doesn't have gills like other tropical fish and breathes air just like people do (yes betta fish have lungs) doesn't mean the fish is happy inside of a cup. Would you be, so give the fish some space you'll be rewarded for your efforts.

There's other tips that are crucial and insightful about betta fish care but these basics should point you in the right direction to maintaining and keeping healthy betta fish.

Betta Fish Care